Financial illiteracy has become an epidemic in our country, taking a heavy toll on people all across the nation.
The Raising a Financial Genius Community is a grassroots movement created to address the financial concerns that young adults and children from all walks of life experience every day in this country. By providing parents, grandparents and educators with much-needed financial education, my goal is to help them gain control of their lives and make the positive changes they need to secure their financial futures and build generational wealth.
I have decided to make a difference. Therefore I am offering complimentary community outreach events throughout the southeast. Please let me know about any companies, organizations, or individuals you believe would benefit from receiving this financial education presentation. Only you can help prevent financial illiteracy. Join the community.
Support the cause by purchasing your autographed copy of Raising a Financial Genius: Whether You’re Good With Money Or Not here.
Sign up below for our 4-Day Develop your Financial Confidence Challenge below
Your information will *never* be shared or sold to a 3rd party.
Lynn Demmons, speaker, author, mentor, consultant and financial rebound couch, partners with women and businesses helping each discover the purpose, priorities, and motivation to achieve generational wealth. Her simple yet practical, effective systems empower clients to grow and focus on outcomes not incomes. As a result, her clients achieve the best financial life for their purposes. Lynn's philosophy is "be generous with what you have- no matter how big or small; results will follow."
About The Author: Lynn Demmons
Lynn Demmons, speaker, author, mentor, consultant and financial rebound couch, partners with women and businesses helping each discover the purpose, priorities, and motivation to achieve generational wealth. Her simple yet practical, effective systems empower clients to grow and focus on outcomes not incomes. As a result, her clients achieve the best financial life for their purposes. Lynn's philosophy is "be generous with what you have- no matter how big or small; results will follow."
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